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Success Starts Here Bus Tour 2015 - NEW!


In an effort to promote the achievements of our existing manufacturing industry base and their contribution to the community, the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce partners with the City of Montgomery, Montgomery County Commission, the Industrial Development Board of the City of Montgomery and the local media for an annual Success Starts Here Bus Tour. In December, all existing industries who have grown and expanded throughout the calendar year are recognized at a press conference at the Chamber. Three to four of these area industries are selected and the group will travel to each of the spotlighted industries. A 15-minute press conference is held at each company to highlight their success. Tour attendees included Montgomery Mayor, City Council members, Montgomery County Commission members, Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce leadership, as well as other city, county and state officials, area business leaders and members of the media. The press conference and tour are designed to show appreciation for the Montgomery Area existing manufacturers and their continued contributions to Montgomery. This event takes a total of about 3 hours.

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