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Youth Job & Apprenticeship Fair: Exhibitor (Non-Member)

cost: $250


An exhibitor at the Youth Job and Apprenticeship Fair will receive a table to meet with students to discuss job/apprenticeship opportunities with your company at the event scheduled for Thursday, April 18th from 3:10-4:10pm.

We highly encourage interactive giveaways, games, on-site interviews or any other fun activities to bring students to your table.

Exhibitors will also be listed and promoted to students in advance of the event to let them know you will be there.

Exhibitors may also add an item to the event "swag bag" each participating student will receive. (The intent is for this to be an item, not a brochure or paper materials)

The day of the event, exhibitors will be listed on the map handed out to students.

NEW! This year, the City of Urbandale will be partnering to provide students with an educational session about career choices in Urbandale from 12-3pm on April 18th prior to the job fair at 3:10pm. Students will be expected to proceed to the fair after 'CareerCon'.

'CareerCon' is an exploratory session for students to learn about industries. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the industry and follow to the job fair to see what jobs and companies are wanting to hire!

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