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Central Iowa Business Conference: Give Me a Break!

cost: $750


CIBC boasts top-level speakers, including Andy Buckley, CFO of Dunder Mifflin on The Office and Josh Linkner, Best Selling Author, Proven Tech Entrepreneur and Venture Capital Investor! Join us for cutting-edge topics, and fantastic opportunities to connect with other leadership teams from across Central Iowa.

Learning and growing is HARD WORK and people need a break! Be the hero while gaining premium direct exposure by offering conference attendees the perfect snack to pick them up so that they can continue learning for the rest of the day.

Receives tabletop branded signage at the snack station (Chamber provided).Give Me A Break sponsors can mingle and converse with attendees as they move from the main ballroom to the breakout sessions.

Sponsors may place company marketing materials on one (1) of the break tables.

Listing of company description, logo, and web link on the conference app, program, and website.

Receive acknowledgment in the conference program, conference website, and on the conference app.

Receive One (1) ticket to the conference ($325 value).

- Online exposure - Linkedin, Instagram, and Facebook ($600 Value)

- After the event, sponsors receive a list of all registered attendees to the 2024 conference for follow-up marketing. ($600 Value)

The event will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at the Meadows Events Center at Prairie Meadows.

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