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NEW! Windsor Heights State of the City Breakfast: Presenting Sponsor

cost: $399


The Presenting Sponsor of the Windsor Heights State of the City will have their logo on the electronic invitation distributed to members of the Chamber for pre-promotion.

The day of the event, the Presenting Sponsor may set up a booth to promote your business to the community and to the City. The presenting sponsor (if desired) may provide a pop up banner to be displayed at the front of the room near the Mayor's presentation so that it is in full view to attendees.

In addition, it will be the Presenting Sponsor who will introduce the Mayor and have some podium time to promote your business to the attendees.

This is a great opportunity for a company interested in getting in front of the City of Windsor Heights, residents and business owners of Windsor Heights. June 18, 2024 at the Colby Park Community Center in Windsor Heights.

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