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genYPM: Be Our Guest Campaign

cost: $20


Drive more traffic through your businesses' doors! This sponsorship asks the sponsor to provide any two items valued at $10 each. Examples include free appetizers, 1/2 off coupons, free consultations, free beverage, etc. Whatever is applicable to your business! These prizes should entice people to give your company business.

Sponsors will be recognized as the Be Our Guest Campaign Sponsor at one genYPM event. You may also supply business cards to be distributed to all event attendees.

genYP runs a year-long competition for members who bring a guest to a genYPM event. Any member who brings a guest has the opportunity to put their name, and the guests name, into a drawing. A prize will be drawn at each genYPM event.

Prize and business cards must be delivered to the chamber by March 31st, 2024.

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