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NEW! Windsor Heights Foundation, Community Wide Ice-Cream Social: Presenting Sponsor

cost: $5,000


Presenting Sponsor: $5,000 (exclusive)
With this sponsorship, your name/logo will be featured within event promotions, event website and any community activities promoting the event.
Company/organization logo or individual name receives recognition though
o Logo on instructions to all ice cream social hosts.
o Logo on Windsor Heights Foundation Event Website (and related social media promotions);
o Listing as Presenting Sponsor within event press release(s), and
o Verbal recognition by ice cream social hosts to their neighbors.
o Company/organization/individual logo placed on any ads donated for the ice-cream social.
o Ability for company/organization/individual to include promotional piece/item (with Foundation approval).
o Ability to serve as co-host at Colby Park neighborhood ice-cream social.
o Ability to have logo on Ice-Cream Social host thank you t-shirt.

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