4. Leadership Longview 2023-2024
Leadership Longview is a nine-month program for 25-30 local professionals. The class members are trained in leadership, community education, and peer connections to help them better lead our community. The monthly sessions consist of Community and Economic Development, Tours of local businesses, Emergency Services, Education, Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Quality of Life and Social Services and ends with a community project fully planned and executed by the class. After completion, a graduation ceremony is held in conjunction with the Small Business Awards Luncheon.
sold to
- AAON Coil Products Inc: Opening Retreat Sponsor
- AAON Coil Products Inc: Lunch and Learn Sponsor
- CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System: Health and Emergency Services Day
- Conterra Networks: Gold Sponsor
- Eastman Chemical Company- Texas Operations: Community and Economic Development Day
- Komatsu Mining Corp. Group: Community and Economic Development Day
- Longview Orthopedic Clinic: Health and Emergency Services Day
- Longview Orthopedic Clinic: Graduation Sponsor
- Prosperity Bank: Graduation Sponsor
- Prosperity Bank: Opening Retreat Sponsor
- Spring Hill State Bank: Criminal Justice Day
- STEMCO Products, Inc: Tour Day
- Texas Bank and Trust: Community and Economic Development Day
- Wellington Grande Apartments : Class T-shirt Sponsor
- Wellington Grande Apartments : Class Shirt Sponsor