Bi-Weekly H.E.A.R.T. e-Newsletter 2023
The Bi-Weekly H.E.A.R.T e-newsletter, is sent twice per month and is featured on a Tuesday morning to the Chamber membership (approximately 2000 email addresses) and enjoys an above industry average (25%) open rate of 29-33% and above industry average (3%) click through rate of 11-13%, with high rates of 25%. This e-newsletter is also posted to social media accounts, with Facebook bringing an additional 500-600 in reach, and approximately 50 additional viewers accessing it. Other social media dissemination includes Twitter and LinkedIn, The BWRN features articles on business issues from reputable business sources as well as guest blogs from recognized industry experts. Secondary information will include info on upcoming chamber programs. **ALL ADS ARE BASED ON CAMERA READY ARTWORK.*
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- Sparklight: Top Banner Ad - 12 Months
- Starfish Ad Age: Mid Banner Ad - 12 months