Business After Hours With Our Elected Officials - 2023
The Business After Hours with our Elected Officials is an annual event to recognize and honor officials for Longview, Gregg County, and the State of Texas. This after-hours event will be hosted in April. Attendance has historically been around 200 attendees.
sold to
- Barksdale Federal Credit Union: Gold Sponsor
- CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System: Silver Sponsor
- Congressman Elect : Silver Sponsor
- Eastman Chemical Company- Texas Operations: Presenting Sponsor
- Harbour, Smith, Harris & Merritt, PC: Music / Technology Sponsor
- Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP: Gold Sponsor
- Longview Regional Medical Center: Silver Sponsor
- NCIC Inmate Communications : Title Sponsor
- ServPro of Longview: Silver Sponsor
- Ware Financial: Gold Sponsor