Longview's first-ever area hackathon for Middle and High School students is targeted for late spring. A day of fun, hacking, and workshops! Code!Longview is an event where high-school hackers from across the Longview area will come together to build apps, games, and much more with the power of code. There'll be workshops to help you get started, mentors, food, and much more to help you build awesome things and Code Longview!
Build Stuff!
By the end, you'll have built something new and unique with your team!
Learn Skills!
Participants will learn tons of valuable programming skills from workshops and more! There will be an introduction to HTML/CSS workshop designed for beginner audiences. In the workshop, participants will get a brief overview of web design and will design their first basic website. Tournaments are included and yes prizes will be awarded!
Make Connections!
Over the course of the hackathon, participants will meet fellow hackers and make something amazing together!
There will be tons of stickers provided to cover your laptop with.
Participants will have the opportunity to will prizes; iPad, Air pods, JBL Flip 5, Digital Ocean Credits.
sold to
- AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company: Strategic Program Partnership
- Citadel 6 : Presenting Sponsor
- Global Graphics Inc: Food Court Sponsor
- Integris: Workshop Sponsor
- Starfish Ad Age: Gold Sponsor
- Studio Grace Pilates & Barre: Break Sponsor