OYP Annual Programming
OYP will have one event per month for the 2024 year. Each quarter will consists of a Networking Event, Family Friendly Event, and Professional Development Event. The Networking Event will be hosted at popular restaurants, bars, or breweries for young professionals to connect. The Family Friendly event will include some type of activity that can be open for young professionals with families but also for those that do not. This will include activities like Putt-Putt, Bowling, Community Events and more. Finally, the Professional Development Event will provide opportunites to learn and develop as adults and professionals from round table discussions to adulting 101 classes.
sold to
- APEX Pest Solutions: Networking Event
- Bonnie Plants: Professional Development Event
- Smith-Kastner Wealth Management, LLC: Networking Event
- State Farm -Kali Chadick: Professional Development Event
- State Farm-Lauren Bland: Family Event