Golf Tournament : Oasis Hole Sponsor
cost: $2,575
This sponsorship allows the sponsor to provide alcohol at their hole. Some options include a margarita stop, a shot stop, or even a bourbon stop.
Event Specific Benefits:
• 4 person team
• Player contest participation in the Hole-in-One, Closest to the Pin, and Longest Drive Contest
• Opportunity to provide an alcoholic beverage for each golfer
• Opportunity to create interactive marketing opportunity at designated hole, including distribution of promotional items
• 2 tickets to tournament luncheon and awards reception
• Event signage
Marketing Benefits:
• Featured on at least one social media reel during event
Event Specific Benefits:
• 4 person team
• Player contest participation in the Hole-in-One, Closest to the Pin, and Longest Drive Contest
• Opportunity to provide an alcoholic beverage for each golfer
• Opportunity to create interactive marketing opportunity at designated hole, including distribution of promotional items
• 2 tickets to tournament luncheon and awards reception
• Event signage
Marketing Benefits:
• Featured on at least one social media reel during event
sold to
- Auburn Hospitality