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Nonprofit Council Roundtable


Unifying, strengthening and building capacity for Central Florida non-profit organizations.

The EOCC Non-profit Council Roundtable program gives Chamber member non-profit organizations a confidential forum for communication, insight, support, and ideas.  The ultimate purpose is to help Chamber non-profit members to increase revenue, connect and grow.  

Meetings are formed to allow for connecting, sharing ideas, learning best practices in the areas of fundraising, board development, event planning, employee benefits, marketing, and other areas of interest.

They also help to identify and help select through a ballot; the Charities of Choice for the Local Charities Luncheon held in November. 

The EOCC Non-profit Council Roundtable meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at the East Orlando Chamber office from 9:00 - 10:00 AM. 

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