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Feast in the East: Fling the Ring Toss Sponsor

cost: $515


Event Specific Benefits:
• Opportunity to create interactive marketing opportunity at the Fling the Ring area, including distribution of promotional items
• 2 vendor admission tickets
• 3 admission tickets for customer distribution
• Company signage / backdrop at the Fling the Ring area
• Event signage
• Company logo centered on the table top display banner at the participant toss location featuring the names of wine & alcohol contributors.

Marketing Benefits:
• Social media promotion on Facebook Live with each donation of alcohol naming Fling the Ring Toss company as the sponsor when recognizing donors "Fling the Ring Toss presented by Signarama

• Sponsor must provide canvas wine / bottle tote with company logo for up to 100 bottles, as well as have business representatives staff the Fling the Ring area.

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