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NEW! Entrepreneurial Leap, Gino Wickman Power Hour: Gold Sponsor

cost: $350


Make an impact with this Gold Sponsorship! Your logo will be found on the emailed event invitation sent to 2,200 business professionals through the Chamber database along with attendees of the Central Iowa Business Conference in 2017 when he was the keynote focusing on his book and system, Traction.

Gino has a strong following from long-time entrepreneurs to start ups. This new book, Entrepreneurial Leap focuses on the start up community, but we can all learn from the content.

The event will be listed on the Greater Des Moines Partnership website the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce event listing and submitted for consideration with the Business Record.

At the event, your company will be recognized as a Gold sponsor of the event.

Event Perks: Receive two (2) tickets to attend the event for the opportunity to learn from the author of Entrepreneurial Leap, Gino Wickman ($60 value), Receive two (2) copies of Entrepreneurial Leap books ($60 value) and receive a list of all attendees for post-event marketing purposes.

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