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E-newsletter Marketing to genYP Members: Article December Edition

cost: $125


Provide an educational article for genYP's e-newsletter to share your expertise with potentially 100 genYP young professionals. This one- to two-paragraph article would be a great way to share news about your organization or other information that only your business can provide. On average, the genYP e-newsletter has an average open rate of 37.9% and an average click rate of 5.4%.

This article is due November 11 at 5 pm to be included in the December edition. At the top of the article, a logo or image is included and a link to your website or the article will be included.

Disclaimer: This sponsorship is not an opportunity to direct sell Articles need to be approved to ensure it is an educational-based article that provides an educational tip. Articles not submitted before the newsletter is sent the first of the following month will forfeit the opportunity to provide an article. No sponsorship refunds will be given.

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